News for the soul — essential oils

10+ essential oils to boost your winter wellness and how to use them.

Posted by Jo Harris on

Here in Australia we are now in the midst of winter, especially in the south where Soularoma is located. Not only do we have the normal winter illnesses, colds and flus, winter aches & pains but this year we have COVID-19 as well. So it is extra important that we look after our health this year.

Essential oils are a great natural way to maintain your wellness in the winter months. There is a lot of research that has shown us how effective they are in doing this. There is a huge a range of oils to help us keep the respiratory system healthy (and many of them are Australian native oils which is great at keeping it all local!), but if you think about nature, the leaves on a tree are like its respiratory system, thus suggesting that essential oils distilled from leaves could be the most helpful for maintaining the health of our respiratory system. To name just a few which illustrate this analogy, there is eucalyptus, pine, peppermint gum, rosalina, kunzea, niaouli, black spruce, bay laurel, tea tree and silver fir, amongst others. All of these oils are very helpful for our respiratory system.

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Which essential oils can help you have a good night's sleep?

Posted by Jo Harris on

Sleep is so important to our mental health and wellbeing but it is not always easy to get to sleep, to stay asleep or to get enough sleep in our modern life. Check out the 10 best essential oils to help you get a better sleep and top techniques to complement the essential oils.

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Ten essential oils to increase love and open the heart

Posted by Jo Harris on







Who doesn't want more of these in their life?

February is the month of love, love for another, a partner, a child, a family member, an animal, but most of all oneself. If we can't love ourselves fully, we have little hope in being able to healthily love another. So it starts with ourselves. Just as in EFT (tapping) commonly, the change starts by saying "I deeply and completely love and accept myself". 

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Spring time is detox time

Posted by Jo Harris on

A great way to get into the spring season is to do a detox. Winter comfort foods tend to be heavier and more work for the liver to digest. We often tend to eat more junk food in the colder weather as well. Our bodies and organs are pretty incredible at being able to deal with the unhealthy stuff we put in our bodies, but a little support for our bodies goes a long way. A detox can support the liver, kidneys, adrenals and lymphatic system so that our body can function in an optimally healthy way.

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How to use essential oils

Posted by Jo Harris on

Have you been buying essential oils (or maybe having them gifted to you) but you don't really now what to do with them? Well I would like to share my favourite ways to use essential oils.

1. Using up to 10 drops in an essential oil diffuser. These are not cheap but they are great. They are cold mist diffusers so the chemistry of the essential oils do not alter as they are being diffused.

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