We are now certified with Choose Cruelty Free

Posted by Jo Harris on


Soualroma is now proudly certified with Choose Cruelty Free. This means that an Australian independent non-profit organisation (CCF) has been through our processes and our ingredients and can guarantee that Soularoma does not test on animals and nor do any of the companies that Soularoma buys ingredients from. You can possibly imagine what this meant in terms of time and energy. Yes it meant hours and hours of corresponding with the Choose Cruelty Free head office about the requirements, hours corresponding with my suppliers of every single little ingredient that I buy to make my Soularoma products with, getting statements from my suppliers, and hours of filling in a spreadsheet with every single product (how do you know when you make too many products???) listing every single ingredient with the supplier listed alongside each ingredient. Yep that indeed meant a lot of time and energy. But I think that it is worth it. Why? Because I believe, thanks to Ghandi's wise and eternal words, you need to be the change you wish to see in the world.

I believe that animals are meant to live with us and not for us. I believe that animal testing is unnecessarily cruel when the product is meant for humans. I believe that subjecting animals to cruelty is barbaric.

According to PETA (peta.org), in the USA alone, every year around 100 million animals  are subjected to animal testing for the purpose of drugs, cosmetics and food (and that doesn't even include mice, rats and birds and such which are not even counted). That means having all types of substances dripped in their eyes, wiped on their shaved skin, fed to them or they are made to inhale fumes. They have no idea what is going on or what will happen to them, whether they will live or die from the pain they are going through. That is not the world I would like to live in. And all for the sake of knowing that chemical substances might be (or might not be) safe for human use.

Thankfully some countries (including India, Israel, EU, New Zealand and Norway) have banned animal testing for cosmetics. We are hoping the same will be done here in Australia. But for now you have the Choose Cruelty Free list.  https://www.choosecrueltyfree.org.au/


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