News for the soul
10 things you can do for our earth for Earth Hour
Posted by Jo Harris on
Ten essential oils to increase love and open the heart
Posted by Jo Harris on
Who doesn't want more of these in their life?
February is the month of love, love for another, a partner, a child, a family member, an animal, but most of all oneself. If we can't love ourselves fully, we have little hope in being able to healthily love another. So it starts with ourselves. Just as in EFT (tapping) commonly, the change starts by saying "I deeply and completely love and accept myself".
New year ritual- clear out the old and bring in the new and best you
Posted by Jo Harris on
I think we are all agreed in that 2020 was a year that we don't want repeated. We all had to learn and relearn many skills. We had to learn to be okay with uncertainty, had to let go of our plans and in many cases we had to forgo seeing our loved ones. Many people lost their jobs, or were locked out of doing them for many months. We were locked out of other countries and states and many of us into our our five kilometre radius. Many people were locked into unsafe spaces with unsafe people. 2020 was...
16 ways you can save water
Posted by Jo Harris on
Even though 71% of the earth is covered by water, in many parts of our world, water is an issue. Did you know that 97.2% of earth’s water is in seas and oceans, meaning that it is too salty to be usable and that a further 2.15% is in ice caps? That means less than 1% of the world’s water is usable by humans and many other living creatures (National Geographic). As well as being so meagre, the fresh water that does exist is not distributed evenly. For some people, there are plenty of water sources but no infrastructure to...
Spring time is detox time
Posted by Jo Harris on